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Avoiding Colds & FLu

Immune Support

Understanding Your Immune System and How it Affects Your Health The immune system is responsible for protecting the body against infection. Its major components include lymph nodes, bone marrow, spleen, thymus gland and tonsils (if you still have them). There are two types of immunity present in our bodies: innate and adaptive.

Innate immunity is present at birth and provides an initial barrier against microorganisms. You acquire adaptive immunity later in life, such as after fighting off an infection.

Adaptive immunity “remembers” these invaders and adapts to recognize and ward them off again should they recur. According to the National Institutes of Health, flu outbreaks usually begin suddenly and occur mainly in the late fall and winter. It can spread through communities, creating an epidemic.

During the epidemic, the number of cases peaks in about 3 weeks and subsides after another 3 or 4 weeks. Half of the population of a community may be affected. Because schools are an excellent place for flu viruses to attack and spread, families with school-age children have more infections than other families, with an average of one-third of the family members infected each year. You’ll know if you have the flu versus a cold because like a cold, the flu gives you a sore throat and a stuffy nose. But the flu also brings with it body aches, chills and usually a fever.

Maintaining a strong and healthy immune system is more vital than ever due to the growing risk of exposure to dangerous bacterial and viral infections

Avoid direct contact with individuals experiencing symptoms. Guard against harmful airborne bacteria and protect against viruses with the use of a high quality face mask

Wash hands frequently with soap and hot water for at least 15 seconds.

Use natural hand sanitizers and wipes to help keep hands germs free when soap and water is not an option.

Maintain a healthy immune system by drinking enough fluids (1-2 quarts daily, especially water); consuming a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, while avoiding sugar, fructose and simple carbohydrates; and not smoking.

Add high quality vitamins and supplements to your daily regimen to help boost immune function.

When someone coughs or sneezes, the billions of airborne germs can stay in the air for up to 20 minutes. Use a state-of-the-art air purifier with a HEPA filter to remove airborne germs from your home and office.

Facts About Popular Immune-Enhancing Nutrients: Acidophilus, which is found both as a supplement and in foods such as yogurt, helps the body to fight both bacterial infections and digestive issues. Vitamin A helps to strengthen skin and mucous membranes, to help prevent germs from penetrating. Vitamin C acts as an antiviral agent, elevating the body’s interferon levels. Even taken in small amounts, it appears to reduce the duration and severity of illnesses. NSI’s Advan-C™ is specially formulated to supply optimal amounts of Vitamin C to support a healthy immune system. Zinc supplements appear to increase immune response. Taking Zinc lozenges when a cold starts may shorten the duration and severity of an infection. Astragalus is an herb that may promote immune function. Green Tea has antibacterial properties and helps stimulate the production of immune cells. Mushrooms contain compounds known as alpha- and beta-glucans, which may have positive effects in enhancing immune function in humans, including promoting healthier T-cells and natural killer (NK) cells.






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