Setting Intentional New Year’s Resolutions

Setting Intentional New Year’s Resolutions
from New Year’s Traditions 2 Change Your Life, 1999, Adele Tartaglia
Edited for Facebook Submission 2010

We all have intentions and aspirations to do better each year yet often we don’t follow through. Most of the time it is a case of self sabotage where the conscious mind knows it need to make healthier or more productive choices in life but old programs in the subconscious mind trigger and undermine our attempts.

Other times, we feel obligated to try to change because loved ones want us to instead of actually being self motivated to change. The problem here arises when we set goals for ourselves that our heart is not in, making it more difficult to follow through and stick to them. There’s a time for everything in life when there is a turning point realization in the mind of a person when they really get it and feel that they should and do want to change. Success is guaranteed in this case using simple protocols and technologies and even easier, once you learn the Art of Instant Manifestation.

So Section II of this exercise is a mental review for you to ask yourself some questions about your intentions, motivations, attitudes, and beliefs underpinning the Resolutions and Goals you are setting. You may do it before you set your Goals for the year or as a check list after you set them, or not do it at all. It is your option.
Section I

This first exercise is intended to make it easier to get an overview of the important areas of your life that you wish to make changes in by making New Year’s Resolutions. Throughout the book there will be an opportunity for a more in depth examination of these basic resolutions and your more specific goals in each of these five major areas of life.

Every change in beliefs, thinking patterns, attitudes or behaviors will have a ripple effect throughout the rest of your life. Because our neuro-nets are wired together, one shift alters every other program wired to it. You can free yourself from limiting beliefs and enjoy the happy peaceful life that you were created to live.

These are jumping off points to facilitate a year of Triumphant Resolutions you will Never Have to Address Again!

You can use techniques you are familiar with to attain your Goals: prayer, creative visualization, affirmations and denials, or the protocols learned in my Transform Your Life Instantly ® class, whatever feels right to you. The processes mentioned in this exercise are briefly outlined in the New Addendum.

I have given you “How-to” examples throughout this first exercise but this is your work for your self fulfillment and actualization of your potential. The ideas, resolutions and steps to take must come from you and fit your personality, your intentions, and your purposes.

However you use this form, Commitment is an essential part of success in Goal setting. Good luck. After you get used to this stream of consciousness way of thinking, your mind will automatically start to think in an aligned way so that your success ratio will be vastly increased.  Part of Instant Manifestation is the process of Aligning your Multi-leveled Mind which we shall discuss later.

Directions for Intentionally Setting Aligned Resolutions
In order to save room on my facebook entry, the Directions excerpted from my Instant Manifestation and Setting Intentionally Aligned Goals Classes and have been shortened indicated by ellipsis […]. If you want to get more information, please feel free to email me at I will be doing training this year.

I)   Intentionally create a goal you truly want to achieve or a resolution you feel sincerely will benefit your life or the lives of others.

a) Create from your Authentic Self, the guru you have been waiting for.

b)  Make your creation an expression of your divine essence, love.  From this space it is normal to express your beneficence by being of service as well as caring for self so you return to your natural state of integrated wholeness.

c)  Determine your intention: Is your resolution of a universal nature or personal for your own self growth and development…

d)  Write the first thing that comes to mind. This will give you a truer indication of what you really desire to create in your life… 

e-g)    …Write it down on this worksheet. Writing is a key part to manifesting your resolutions… 

h) Sharing your resolutions for the year solidifies them into concrete reality…

i) Keep all this year’s commitments and resolutions in one place so you can review them at ideal times for manifestation…

II) List three steps you will take to attain each of these Resolutions.

 a)  Begin with the simplest step to the most complicated, each being dependent on the prior step…

 b)  Commit to make these steps an active part of your life…

 c)  …Check to see if your actions are moving your closer to your goal, further away from it, or are they completely unrelated to it?

III) Take the steps to implement your resolution.

 a) Make a commitment to use only Conscious Languaging to support your resolution…

 b) Carry them on cards in your purse or briefcase to review during the day, or post them on a vision board…

 c)  Set a deadline for accomplishment of the resolution otherwise you could be working on it for the rest of your life…

 d-f) Or use Instant Manifestation tools to create it…
 g) Remember to thank the Creator in advance knowing it has already been done in consciousness the minute you set your intention…  

Section II
Directions for Manifesting Your Resolutions
Below are shortened versions of these Directions. Email me at for more information.

This is behind the scenes work you may do up front before creating your resolutions or after you set them spontaneously. If you do it after you have set your resolutions, go back to each one and mark them appropriately using these questions as a guide.

I.   What is your intention in creating this goal? There are three parts to this question…[a-c]

II.   Before you begin to make your list of New Year’s Resolutions, consider what your motivation for each goal on your list is. This is a four part question…[a-d]

III.  Mark each answer for each goal with the appropriate abbreviation for detrimental or beneficial and self motivated or other motivated…[a-d]

IV.  For each item on your list, ask yourself:

a)  How do I need to alter my attitude in order to make this goal take place?  Mark AC for Attitude Change next to your items that 
                  need a shift in attitude…

Remember that is it never what happens to a person that changes their life; it is their attitude toward the event and their beliefs about it and themselves that alters everything…. 

The same event has different consequences for different people depending on what they believe…It’s all in the attitude, which is entirely under your own control…

An attitudinal shift might include revision from a defeatist attitude like “I can’t do it” to a self supporting attitude like “I can do this.” Or it might look like extreme pressure and self imposed stress about the goal such as “If I don’t get this done this year, it’s all over for me,” which is the language of resistance to failure which produces the very outcome you are resisting…

Remember, words have more influence on your life than anything else. Your own words can empower or disempower you, work for you or against you…

 …Getting in the habit of Conscious Languaging will change your feelings, thoughts, and experiences before you even have time to realize the change is taking place.

 b)    Secondly, ask yourself what is my current belief or habitual thinking pattern about the behavior or lack of behavior that I am seeking to change now?… 

When you locate the blocking beliefs or programs causing you to act like you do now, or to not take action on a desired objective, you can delete them and your goal will automatically manifest… 

 …Another category of beliefs that will prevent your full intentionality stems from ambivalence, you want to do it but a conflicting belief or need is stopping you…
 V.   Examine your present behavior to see if it is serving you on any level of consciousness. 

If it is, you may want to substitute another more positive behavior for your current one that will reward you in the same way…

…Or you may decide that you have grown beyond those old needs, or are supplying them in a more productive way yourself…


1.   With Intentionality, write down one or more Spiritual Goals or Resolutions for this year. Set a deadline…
Example: I commit to living a more spiritual life.

Steps to implement this Goal might be:

Spending time in the Presence each day through prayer or meditation, start a Gratitude Journal, walk in nature, commit to give back of your time, talent or treasure, speak to a spiritual counselor, align the body mind soul through yoga or tai chi.

Write Your Resolutions And Steps You Want To Take Here:

Acknowledge the good already you did in this area this year. Congratulate yourself…

2.  With Intentionality, write down one or more Emotional Goals or Resolutions for this year. Set a deadline…

Example: I commit to resolving the issues underlying at least two of my triggers.

Steps to implement this Goal might be:

Use tools to reveal to yourself what the core beliefs or unresolved issues are that make you jump to conclusions, catastrophize, over react, judge, label, attack, panic, etc.

Learn Transformation Tools or talk to a counselor to ascertain how to resolve the issues you discovered.
Write Your Resolutions And Steps You Want To Take Here:

Acknowledge the good already you did in this area this year. Congratulate yourself…


3.  With Intentionality, write down one or more Mental Goals or Resolutions for this year. Set a deadline…
Example: I commit to thinking only thoughts I am willing to experience.
Steps to implement this Goal might be:

Examine the self talk contained in your thoughts and their underlying beliefs.

Decide if your beliefs, thoughts, and words are beneficial to your goals or detrimental.

Commit to bringing your mental processes into alignment with your goals and intentions for your life.

Learn to align your beliefs, thoughts, and words with your goals and intentions.

This can be as simply as saying “Cancel cancel” to yourself when you think or say something that is stymieing your successful resolution to change. Your mind will understand to cancel the thought or word. Or you can use Deletion Protocols, affirmations and denials, etc.

Write Your Resolutions And Steps You Want To Take Here:
Acknowledge the good already you did in this area this year. Congratulate yourself…


4.  With Intentionality, write down one or more Physical Goals or Resolutions for this year. Set a deadline…

Example: I commit to spend time exercising and enhancing my body at least three times a week.

Steps to implement this Goal might be:

Schedule your time and make sure to include time to take care of your body, exercise, take supplements, enhance it, bless it, etc.
Delete any negative beliefs about your body.

Delete any negative beliefs about your health.

Write your Resolutions and steps you want to take here:
Acknowledge the good already you did in this area this year. Congratulate yourself… 

5. With Intentionality, write down one or more Financial Goals or Resolutions for this year. Set a deadline…

Example:  I commit to stop spending more than I can afford.

Steps to implement this Goal might be:

Realize you can’t buy happiness by figuring out the underlying reasons you are inclined to over spend.

Delete your negative money beliefs.

Delete any unworthiness issues.

Create beliefs that will attract money to you.

Learn tricks to save on essentials, be grateful for every check you write, tithe, pay yourself.

Write Your Resolutions And Steps You Want To Take Here:

Acknowledge the good already you did in this area this year. Congratulate yourself…

The Right Time to Review Your New Resolutions

Anytime you are in the silence, free of thoughts, adrift in the sea of emptiness, [detached from the world] is a good time to create. You get to that empowered unlimited aware will being, by breathing with intention or meditating…

Just before sleep each night, with full attention on your intention, read over the resolutions you have set for yourself this year. Upon awakening, and just before your drift off at night, you are in the Alpha State where suggestions, affirmations, goals, mantras, and visualizations can be best used by the subconscious mind for manifestation into reality. Throughout the night the subconscious will process the last thing it hears or reads thousands of times during the integration process…

Deleting any beliefs or programs from any level of consciousness that are oppositional to your resolutions is the quickest way to accomplish them and makes it easier to focus on them with a singularity of intention…

Relax about drawing things into your life and altering behavior patterns and make it easy on yourself. Let your auto navigator, your subconscious mind, do the work for you…

Now bless yourself and thank the Creator for the fortitude to follow through and the Universe for its mirroring manifestation in your life.
Directions for Intentional Setting of Goals, or Instant Manifestation of Goals, Deletion/Creation Protocols, Conscious Languaging Techniques, Aligning the Multi-Dimensional Mind, are contained in the book sited below.   For information on any of the processes in this exercise, email me at

Exercises are excerpted from my Instant Manifestation class, and Setting Intentionally Aligned Goals Class and  “Yes You Can Transform Your Life Instantly: Mental Erasers Make Your Mind Work for You Instead of Against You,” Adele Tartaglia.  2nd Edition Ebook Coming Soon! 10% discount on pre-orders


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